
The Adventure Continues

My adventure that is. I am pleased to be able to say that I have signed a further contract with Austin Macauley for the second book of Gummy's adventures. More about that later.Meanwhile I have been b ........

Two successful Library visits.

On Monday 14th August at 11.00a.m I visited Stafford Library to enjoy story time. The staff made me very welcome, and the area I sat in was decorated as a fish pond, which was appropriate for the Adve ........

Latest coverage

Welcome back, it's good of you to come and see what I've been up to. I've had some success in publishing my book. On the News tab you can read how my local facebook news page reported my venture into ........

Hi, thanks for stopping by.

Welcome to the world of Gummy the Goldfish and his friends. Just like Gummy, I find myself in a strange new world. The world of publishing. My first book at the age of 74! Websites I am familiar with, ........