Hi, thanks for stopping by.

Welcome to the world of Gummy the Goldfish and his friends. Just like Gummy, I find myself in a strange new world. The world of publishing. My first book at the age of 74! Websites I am familiar with, blogging I am not. What do I write?
I believe I am supposed to aim my blogs at my target audience. Do KS1 and KS2 children blog or use the www to any extent? Answers on a postcard......or, these days, I suppose, on an answering blog/text/tweet/insta.
Well, here goes.
There's a picture of me with the complementary copies etc that Austin Macauley provided just prior to the launch. So what did I do? I gave copies to my grandchildren, after all, they started me off on this venture. Copies also went to a few close friends and St Michaels First School, Stone. I sent a postcard to my sister and booked "meet the author" slots at Stafford Library (August 14th) and Stone Library (August 21st) Both 11.00a.m. I have signed a few copies that people have very kindly spent their hard earned cash on, so a big thank you to them and everyone who has a copy. An elderly friend at church asked me to sign her copy, and when I asked who the dedication should be to she replied "Oh, me. This is my bedtime reading!"
I have had a slot on BBC Radio Stoke and also coverage in the local press. The stories should be on the news tab.
Than you for reading this blog. Until we meet again via this medium, or any other.
Best wishes
Dennis & Gummy

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